Dr. Simon Harrison (City University of Hong Kong)
Harrison, S. & D. H. Fleming (2019) Metaphoricity in the real estate showroom: Affordance spaces for sensorimotor shopping. Metaphor and Symbol, 34:1, 45-60, DOI: 10.1080/10926488.2019.1591717
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Dr. Spencer Kelly (Colgate university)
Sekine, K., Schoechl, C., Mulder, K., Holler, J., Kelly, S. D., Furman, R., & Özyürek, A. (2020). Evidence for children’s online integration of simultaneous information from speech and iconic gestures: an ERP study. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 1-12.
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Kelly, S., *Healey, M., Özyürek, A., & Holler, J. (2014). The processing of speech, gesture, and action during language comprehension. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 1-7.
Holler, J., Kokal, I., Toni, I., Hagoort, P., Kelly, S., & Özyürek, A. (2014). Eye'm talking to you: speakers' gaze direction modulates co-speech gesture processing in the right MTG. Social Cognitive & Affective Neuroscience.
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Dr. Irene Kimbara (Kushiro Public University)
Kimbara, Irene (2015) 「パズル課題におけるジェスチャー位置の調整行動」(Interpersonal gesture space coordination during spatial puzzle task). 『社会言語科学』(The Japanese Journal of Language in Society), 17(2):12-23.
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Prof. Sotaro Kita (University of Warwick)
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Sekine, K., Wood, C., & Kita, S. (2018). Gestural depiction of motion events in narrative increases symbolic distance with age. Language, Interaction and Acquisition, 9(1), 40-68. https://dx.doi.org/10.1075/lia.15020.sek Open Access accepted version: http://wrap.warwick.ac.uk/96946/
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Dr. Heng Li (Southwest University, china)
Li, H., & Yu, C. (2020). Best wishes for the future: The link between dispositional optimism and mental sagittal space-time mappings. Personality and Individual Differences, 166.
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Dr. Xiaoting Li (University of Alberta)
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Dr. Kazuki SEKINE (Waseda University)
Sekine, K., Schoechl, C., Mulder, K., Holler, J. Kelly, S. Furman, R., & Özyürek, A. (2020). Evidence for children’s online integration of simultaneous information from speech and iconic gestures: An ERP study. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience. https://doi.org/10.1080/23273798.2020.1737719
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Dr. Catherine So (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
So, W.C., Cheng, C.H., Lam, W.Y., Huang, Y., Ng, K.C., Tung, H.C., & Wong, W. (2020). A Robot-Based Play-Drama Intervention May Improve the Joint Attention and Functional Play Behaviors of Chinese-Speaking Preschoolers with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Pilot Study. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 50(2), 467-481.
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Dr. Keiko Tsuchiya (Yokohama City University)
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Dr. Renia Lopez (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
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Lopez-Ozieblo, R. (April 2022). Observations on the Progression of Gestures with L2 Proficiency: A Call for Further Research. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 1-24.
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